Just be happy

Lately I feel like my blog has been devoid of any emotion, happiness or feeling... and it is entirely a reflection of my own lack of inspiration, happiness... and whatever else...

Sometimes you get so caught up in life.  I don't have to go to work, but every other day I am basically a single mom, I have school, house cleaning, friends to hang out with, I was sick....
good busy...

Except for the sick.
That was bad busy.

Anyhow.  I have been hoping for some positive inspiration lately... I sort of had a freak out day last Friday/Saturday.  I don't handle stress very well... I have figured at least THAT much out... my life is simple and nice and easygoing and full of happiness most days...
I think the build-up of being sick, stressed about school, some drama, and then a stupid fender-bender accident kind of culminated and resulted in my little snap...
the snap lasted about 2 days.
And then I read a few messages and posts...
And i thought about how awesome my life is,
and my child is
and my husband,
and my family,
and my true friends,
and all of that just made me cry more but feel better.

Life gets rough and annoying sometimes... and sometimes you can suck at life... but you need to just be happy and be satisfied with what you have... stop worrying about what others have. 
My parents always told me:  There will always be those with better, and there will always be those with worse.  Do the best that you can with what you have.
I have LOVE, health, family, friends and great experiences.  I have an awesome home and an abundant closet.

I need to just relax.  Take a deep breath. Smile. Stretch, and taking some crazy fun pics always helps too!
photos by P.Rothschild
I will be posting better blogs.
I will be doing more photography.
And I will quit my bitchin!

Queen vii
