Outfit: Ktk Tribute!

Here is a quick post of what I wore yesterday to my bff's birthday dinner at YardHouse, where we indulged in steak, decadent mac n cheese, and perfect truffle fries... It was so wonderful to be able to spend some one-on-one time with her and get to eat and chat for a couple hours.  I should have gotten a pic of HER outfit... so Ktk, if you are reading this, that outfit needs a DO over, because you looked fabulous!  I am sooo blessed, lucky and fortunate to have such an amazing, wonderful, gorgeous friend...
I don't know if it's all just residual from my SATC marathon, but I was feeling super "Carrie" with one of the girls (not sure who Ktk identifies herself with... I see her as having a Miranda/Charlotte personality: a go getter, wants her man, artistic, self-motivated, intuitive, sexy but not over-the-top).  And just like the girls on the show, I feel that Ktk is one of my friendship soul-mates... celebrating her birthday is super important and I hope we keep on going!

This outfit is almost all gifted from Ktk!!!  The Dress, necklace, earrings, bracelet from her.  Longchamp bag in Fir.  Sandals, Eli Tahari, thrifted.

I feel like September is going to be a good month for me.  The last month or so has been a whirlwind, with Aveline starting school, not being 100% healthy, school is busy, the heat wave putting me in a slump.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it looks like sunshine is the forecast.

