Outfit: Superhero love

I have outfit posted on my instagram with this shirt, and I love the thing, but it really needed something extra... if you think the Lichtenstein super POW isn't something enough on it's own.  I found this great comic strip bandeau and immediately knew I had to muscle up the POW factor and hack off the sleeves and make it nice and breezy.

I don't know if this outfit is too juvenile but I love it and am getting away with it while it's still heat-waving out here.

Want to know the source of all my power?  Super-sized coffee! Muuuuahahahahaha!!!! Maniacal Laaaugh!

Dress bright my friends!

What I wore:
DIY'd POW tee from F21.
Bandeau from F21.
Skirt from F21 (old)
Wedges from Kohls.
Bracelets from Charming Charlies, Kohls.

Super Vii
